宁波毕士达智能洁具有限公司是宁波伊司达集团旗下的公司之一,是一家集研发、制造、销售为一体的科技型企业。公司坐落于宁波鄞州区滨海投资创业中心,占地面积50亩,环境优美,交通便捷。公司秉承伊司达集团“用我们较好的产品,让生活更轻松更美好”的使命,以的精神打造卓越品质。公司旨在为顾客提供并且高贵典雅的卫浴品质,长期于新技术的研发与应用,拥有的研发和运营团队。公司以人为本,管理为先,引进“5S”管理模式,在设计上力求节能、美观、舒适,选材上注重安全、健康、环保。生产环节层层把关,以精益求精的态度为社会、为顾客负责;以求真务实的作风,为全球消费者提供全智能化的经典卫浴设备;以科技改变生活的理念,将成熟、健康的卫浴生活呈现给世人。Ningbo Bethesda Intelligent Sanitary Ware Co., LTD belongs to the East Group. It is a science and technology company with its own manufacturing, research, development and sales.The company, located in Binhai investment business center of Yinzhou district in Ningbo and covering an area of 33000 square meters, has graceful environment and the convenient transportation. It insists on the mission of “Best quality goods for better life” in accordance with the East Group. We can build outstanding quality with professional minds.We are mainly manufacturing the high quality and elegant bathroom accessory. With professional researching and operating team, we concentrate on the ...展开
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